

At Park Hill Infant School, we continue to teach our children about what it means to be strong, positive and productive members of society.  We have always taught our pupils about equality and this remains an important part of our curriculum. We ensure that we always celebrate diversity, promote equality, demonstrate respect and stand together to challenge all forms of discriminatory language and behaviour.

We recognise that education is a vital tool for powerful, permanent and informative change. Our continuously evolving curriculum demonstrates our determination to use education to tackle issues of racism and inequality. We strive to ensure our curriculum and supporting resources reflect values of inclusivity, diversity, equality and belonging.  We do this by planning to meet the needs of all genders, of children with special educational needs, of children who are more able, of children with disabilities, of children from all socio-economic backgrounds,  children from different ethnic groups, religion and cultural backgrounds, and of those from diverse linguistic backgrounds.​


Equality Objectives

Having analysed our school’s equality information, we have set the following equality objectives:

Objective 1:         To ensure all groups of children, with a focus on disadvantaged, SENd and ethnic groups, make at least expected progress from their own starting points in order to work towards attaining the expected standard, at the end of the academic year. (Additional vulnerable groups within specific year groups can be found in our School Improvement Plan)

Objective 2:           To continue to prepare children for a life in modern Britain by reinforcing the school’s ‘High Five Values’ contributing to a cohesive, calm and supportive whole school community


Please click here to access our Equality Statement.

Please click here to access our Equalities Policy


How does Park Hill Infant School comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty?

The Public Sector Equality Duty has three main elements:

  • Eliminating discrimination and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act
  • Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Fostering good relations across all characteristics – between people who do share a protected characteristic and people who do not


Park Hill Infant School is committed to equality both as an employer and an education provider.  We demonstrate our commitment to our responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty and Equality Act 2010 daily through application of our School Values:  Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Courage and Positivity.


  • We commit to ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and with


  • We commit to ensuring that our school is a safe, secure and stimulating place for everyone.


  • We recognise that people have different needs, and we understand that treating people equally does not always involve treating all exactly the same.


  • We try to make sure that people from different groups are consulted and involved in our decisions, for example through seeking feedback from parents/carers, and through our School Council


  • We aim to make sure that no-one experiences harassment or discrimination because of their age; any disability they may have; their ethnicity, race or nationality; their gender, their gender identity or reassignment; their marital or civil partnership status; being pregnant or having recently had a baby; their religion or beliefs; their sexual identity and orientation.


The school has a range of policies which outline how the school actively promotes equality of opportunity for all.  The main policies dealing with equality of opportunity are:


  • Equalities Policy
  • Equalities Statement
  • SEND Policy
  • Self-Regulation - Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy
  • Anti Bullying Policy
  • Accessibility Plan


Park Hill Infant School’s Equality Information (correct as of 04/09/2024)

Number of pupils on school roll:                                     178 (Years 1 & 2)

Age of pupils:                                                                   4 – 7 years old


Information on pupils by protected characteristics

The Equality Act 2010 protects people from discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics and makes it unlawful for the responsible body of a school to discriminate against, harass or victimise a pupil or potential pupil:

  • in relation to admissions,
  • in the way it provides education for pupils,
  • in the way it provides pupils access to any benefit, facility or service, or
  • by excluding a pupil or subjecting them to any other detriment.

Every person has several of the protected characteristics, so the Act protects everyone against unfair treatment.

In order to ensure that all pupils are protected from discrimination, the school collects information on protected characteristics.

The Headship Team and Governors at Park Hill Infants School will regularly review how well we achieve these aims with regards the protected groups under the Equality Act (race, disability, gender, gender reassignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, sexual orientation and religion and belief. )


Information on other groups of pupils

In addition to pupils with protected characteristics, we gather further information on the following groups of pupils:

  • Pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
  • Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL) / pupils who are exposed to more than one language
  • Young Carers
  • Looked after children
  • Other vulnerable groups

It may be possible to identify individuals from the information provided when the number of pupils with a particular characteristic is low and the information is sensitive, personal information. In these cases we have indicated this with an asterisk*.



Ethnicity - Years 1 & 2 (04/09/2024)

Any other Asian background 6%
Any other Black background 1%
Any other White background 8%
Any other ethnic group 4%
Any other mixed background 8%
Bangladeshi 1%
Black - African 10%
Black Caribbean 2%
Indian 37%
Pakistani 6%
Refused 2%
White - British 9%
White and Asian 6%
White and Black African 2%
White and Black Caribbean 4%


Gender:   55% female / 45% male - Years 1 & 2

Pupils eligible for Free School Meals : 15% - Years 1 & 2

Pupil eligible for Pupil Premium Funding:  16% - Years 1 & 2

Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SENd): 21% - Years 1 & 2

Pupils who are exposed to more than one language before entering school:  76% - Years 1 & 2

Looked after children: 0% - Years 1 & 2

Young Carers: 0% - Years 1 & 2


Through rigorous tracking and monitoring of individuals and of all the groups of children, including progress and attainment, and by providing equal opportunities to access the curriculum and activities, we aim to ensure that any gap in attainment for pupils within any of the above different groups is removed, or at least remains less than the gap nationally.


The information provided here aims to demonstrate that we give careful consideration to equality issues in every aspect of school life at Park Hill Infant School.  We actively work towards eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited under the Equality Act 2010.